How I have developed links with a local University

Many of us work in isolation as RE teachers, therefore networking is vitally important, especially when you have a subject area that is marginalised.  Teachers need to know they are not alone and that so many networks and avenues of support are available.  

I found the local University by looking at two websites: NATRE and TRS

Universities want to hear from local schools to develop links as together we are so much stronger.  As a school, we hosted Worcester University trainees at our local NATRE group for Secondary RE teachers providing resources, research and mutual CPD support.  As a focus of this meeting, we had a ‘share and inspire’ session looking at teaching resources that PGCE RE trainees from the University of Worcester had created. 

I believe that any staff member can start a networking group or partnership with your local University, creatively resourcing your subject and increasing confidence and knowledge.   

To quote Rebecca Davidge, University of Worcestershire Senior Lecturer, about the importance of the collective power of networking and practical ideas that Universities can support you with: 

Colleagues working in the University sector recognise teachers’ invaluable role in preparing students to study at this level, and often the passion they have instilled in students for religious education. I have lost count of the times students have attributed their love for the subject to their RE teacher at school (and they often say they want to be a teacher just like you!) 

  • We have experts in RE across all phases of education, from EYFS upwards. Teacher Training in Primary, Secondary and Further Education is our raison d’être, so we are in an excellent place to support learning and teaching. 
  • University staff are conducting the most up-to-date research, and as research-driven pedagogies drive our teaching, we are in an excellent place to see what new thinking, ideas and strategies are coming through literature – we are also not afraid to question these! 
  • We have strong links with NATRE, local schools, places of worship and interfaith forums to strengthen the work of RE departments in our local schools. We run a NATRE/UW RE Hub, which meets termly to discuss relevant topics (e.g. most recently, faith and sexuality) and provide CPD (e.g. the launch of the Locally Agreed Syllabus). These are very well attended, and attendees’ generosity, kindness and collaboration are inspiring.”

Author: Chris Giles